NATO jobs: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is hiring for 70 role positions

Get to know what NATO jobs are currently available at the several member countries. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, commonly known as NATO, is a political and military alliance established on April 4, 1949. Its formation was a response to the geopolitical challenges and security concerns that emerged in the aftermath of World War II. The primary objective of NATO is to ensure the collective defence of its member states against aggression, promoting stability and security in the North Atlantic region.

NATO’s founding members, including the United States, Canada, and several European nations, agreed to the treaty with the understanding that an attack against one member would be considered an attack against all, and collective action would be taken in response. This principle is enshrined in Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, often referred to as the collective defence clause.

Over the years, NATO has evolved to address a broad spectrum of security challenges, adapting to changes in the global geopolitical landscape. It has played a crucial role in deterring aggression, managing crises, and promoting cooperative security measures among its member states. Beyond its core mission of collective defence, NATO has engaged in various peacekeeping, crisis management, and cooperative security efforts around the world.

NATO’s decision-making body is the North Atlantic Council, where member states consult and cooperate on security-related issues. The alliance operates on the principles of consensus and collective decision-making, reflecting the collaborative nature of its endeavours.

While NATO has faced challenges and debates regarding its role and expansion, it remains a cornerstone of transatlantic security and a vital forum for diplomatic and military cooperation. The alliance continues to adapt to emerging security threats, including cyber warfare, terrorism, and hybrid threats, ensuring its relevance in the ever-changing global landscape.

NATO jobs for 70 new role positions

NATO is adapting to a changing world in order to keep its one billion people safe. To do this, NATO jobs is looking for skilled and motivated people for various employment opportunities.

There is a broad range of employment areas at NATO jobs, including communications, innovation, international relations, engineering, IT, finance, and human resources and administration. Our staff is comprised of both civilian and military personnel. We also offer opportunities for university students and recent graduates, young professionals, temporary staff, and freelance interpreters.

As an international organisation, NATO jobs highly values inclusion and perceives diversity as a strength. NATO jobs strives to ensure that its workforce reflects the diversity of its allies. Our hiring strategies aim to attract, develop, and retain a mix of people with different skills, backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. This diversity and the broad range of talent that comes with it are essential in generating innovative ideas and insights, contributing to NATO’s efficiency, and carrying the Alliance into the future.

  • VACANY NOTICE – Temporary Staff (DIANA)
  • Officer, Digital Backbone – Core Information Services
  • Officer, Ground-based Air Sensor Systems
  • Capability and Resource Information Management System Analyst
  • Vacancy Notification 2023 Data Analyst
  • Technical Officer (STINGER), LM-287
  • Officer, Indications & Warning Capabilities
  • Liaison Officer to the International Organisations in Geneva
  • BIM Coordinator
  • NATO Civilian Liaison Officer to the United Nations
  • Sonars and marine Sensors Section Head
  • Transport Senior clerk. LS-93
  • Officer, Technical Specialist Propulsion Technology
  • SAP Application Programmer, IT -25
  • Head Asset Management
  • Psychologist
  • Information Technology Systems Specialist
  • Acquisition Specialist
  • Communication Specialist
  • Senior Technician (Information Systems Administration)
  • Specialist (Cyber Security)
  • Treasury Project Manager
  • Senior Specialist (Cyber Security) – Multiple Roles
  • Treasury Officer
  • Quantum Scientist
  • Analyst (Cyber Security)
  • Staff Assistant (Long term Infrastructure Plan – Future Projects) – NATO 2030
  • Junior Technician Electronics (Technical Support Section), LD-123
  • Officer, Land Capabilities and Standardisation – Munitions and Fires
  • Technician – Backup Recovery and Archiving Infrastructure (BURA), IS-25 (2nd pub)
  • Assistant, Physical Security and Technical Access
  • Senior Technician (Electrics/ECS)
  • Vacancy Notification IKM STO review editor_final
  • Vacancy Notification IKM SO Information managment_final
  • Vacancy Notification IKM Coordinator final
  • Project Manager (5 posts + 3 reserve)
  • Staff Officer (Cyberspace Operational Requirements Manager
  • Officer, Technical Specialist, Munition Systems
  • Section Head (Systems Engineering and Implementation)
  • Staff Officer (MGT NATO 2030)
  • Technical Officer (Quality and Risk Management & Compliance), OS-61
  • Technical Officer (Deployable Engineering), OE-48
  • Senior Technician (Electricity and HVAC)
  • Principal Architect (Cloud)
  • CCI and E Ops Analyst
  • Audio Visual Programmer, Innovation and Transformation
  • Resource Management Officer
  • Committee and Administrative Assistant (2 posts)
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Staff Officer (2030 Change Manager)
  • NATO 2030 Project Leads – 7 PLN positions
  • Staff Officer (NATO 2030 Workforce Requirements)
  • Staff Officer (Exercise Support)
  • Analyst
  • Staff Officer (Capabilities)
  • Officer – NAM Finance Section, FF-116
  • SAP Senior Systems Analyst (Logistics and Procurement), IT-154
  • Political- Military Advisor
  • Principal Technician (Information Systems)
  • System Engineer (CAX Planner)
  • Staff Officer (NATO Interoperability Policy Analyst)
  • Assistant, Analytical Support Mission Security and Safety Team (MSST)
  • Resource Manager
  • Analyst (Advanced SA CyCOP)
  • Senior Security Agent
  • Procurement Officer, Category Management (2 roles + reserve list)
  • Senior Procurement Officer, Category Management (2 roles)
  • Officer, IAMD policy and operational aspects
  • Transportation Specialist (MOB Support). LS-96

NATO jobs strives to recruit well-qualified, motivated civilians and military personnel, and welcomes people of different nationalities, genders, ages, races and ethnic origins, religions or beliefs, cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations and disabilities. NATO jobs strongly encourages qualified female candidates from all NATO member countries to apply.

Our NATO jobs strength is our people, and we invite all who demonstrate our core values of integrity, impartiality, loyalty, accountability, and professionalism to apply.

Send us your job application at the NATO vacancies page.

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